Category Archives: Uncategorized

PhD and Post-Doc positions available!!

We have fully-funded PhD and Post-Doc positions available starting in Fall 2021 or Spring 2022! Stipends at UK are competitive, living expenses are low, and Lexington and UK are great places to live and learn! Ph. D. Research Assistant position in modeling/designing nanostructured/nanocrystalline alloys – This DOE funded project is in collaboration with a technology

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Beck Group 2021 Summer Researchers

With on campus research resuming full-throttle this summer, the group is thrilled to welcome three 2021 Undergraduate Summer Researchers: Ms. Katherine Moody – Ms. Moody is a senior in MSE and has worked as a KRaSTk developer and user for the past few years. This summer Ms. Moody will compute mechanical property distributions for models

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Sarah O’Brien joins the Beck Group

Ms. Sarah O’Brien has joined the Beck Group as a PhD student. Ms. O’Brien will be using DFT to study the formation, stability, and entropy of complex alloys. As part of an ARL funded project at UK, Ms. O’Brien will help search for new high-temperature/high-strength alloys for a range of applications! Welcome, Sarah!

Shankar Miller-Murthy Joins the Beck Group

Mr. Shankar Miller-Murthy has joined the Beck Research Group as a Research Assistant. Mr. Miller-Murthy will be using DFT to compute properties of Ba/Sc/O-covered W surfaces searching for low-energy and low-work function configurations. This work is part of an ongoing project studying Sc-containing thermionic cathodes that is funded by DARPA.